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Hi, I'm MamaBear Michelle LeeAnn, an Oola Certified Life Coach and Green Gap Coach. My privilege as your Coach is to inspire and guide you towards your dreams and goals. To help you discover your OolaLife.

Be grateful, have faith, and go get your OolaLife!
MamaBear Michelle LeeAnn


At Oola, we exist to make the world better by providing a lifestyle framework to help individuals create a life of balance, growth, and purpose. 

Oola is short for Ooh-la-la: it’s what life feels like when you’re happy, growing, and looking forward to what the world has in store for you.
It’s the feeling you get when you’ve landed that better job, grown a bigger business, or watched your kids succeed at something they’re passionate about. It’s what you tell yourself when you’ve bought that dream house, saved your first $10,000, or paid off the last of your debts. It’s the confidence you feel being fit and date-night ready for the first time in years—or the sense of wonder and enchantment you feel on your first trip to Paris with friends.
Whatever rocks it for you, Oola means living life firing on all cylinders — joyful, wholehearted, and ready to take advantage whenever good times and opportunity appear.
Oola is also the proven formula for getting back on track, and finding balance in our unbalanced world. 

More than 20 years ago, two holistic physicians — Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl — created Oola to help people establish new habits, practice new ways of living, and take those daily actions that are key to bringing life into balance, then keeping it that way on an ongoing basis. Today, “The OolaGuys” are international bestselling authors, social media influencers, personal growth experts, and founders of Oola Coaching with countless successful clients around the world—as well as a global network of professionally trained Certified Oola Life Coaches like me to help you pursue your best life.
You too, can be balanced, happy, and growing in major life areas like finances, fitness, family, field (career), and more through the Oola Coaching Program. Look below to discover the courses I currently offer or click here to schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call with me.

If you took inventory of your life today, you’d discover that every circumstance, challenge, opportunity and achievement you experience fits into 7 major categories:

The 7 F's of Oola: 
FITNESS: Everything health and wellness in your life. Primarily referring to how you use your body and what you put in your body.
FINANCE: All things personal finance.
FAMILY: Single, committed, married, divorced, children, step-children, extended family… all belong here.
FIELD: Your career and your profession. Stay-at-home parents and students, this includes you.
FAITH: Based on gratitude, humility, and an understanding of our greater purpose in the world.
FRIENDS: Everything social. Includes two categories: friends and acquaintances
FUN: Explores your personal passions in life.
We call these “The 7 F’s of Oola,” and focusing on improving in each of these areas will get you to the OolaLife faster than almost any other way.
Oola is not about achieving an important goal in a single area. It’s not just about making more money or losing weight or meeting your soulmate. It’s also about tackling the tough stuff, cleaning up relationships, setting boundaries, and eliminating stress—all while dreaming big dreams again and putting together a plan to get the complete life you want . . . the OolaLife.
Now, through the unique Oola Coaching Program, Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy will help you stay focused on The 7 F’s, while you work personally—week after week—with me as your Certified Oola Life Coach to help keep you accountable to creating lasting change.
Are you ready to get your OolaLife? 
Find balance in an unbalanced world with the Oola Coaching Program.
The Oola Coaching Program is the most effective—and yet the simplest—life-changing program available today. To create this ground-breaking experience, The OolaGuys have drawn from more than 30 years of experience in discovering, implementing, and verifying what makes people’s lives balanced, growing and happy.
Along with that knowledge, they’ve added their own personal experience as strategic advisors to many of the most successful people alive today. It’s this wisdom and experience that enlightens the comprehensive materials, training and exercises you’ll receive.
In fact, together with me, Dr. Dave and Dr. Troy will join you on your journey, delivering learning tools and videos to your email inbox each week. In between these video lessons, I will work with you via private one-on-one sessions (by phone or online) to create a plan for tackling what YOU need to work on. I will also keep you accountable to focusing on goals (and doing “the tough stuff”) as you bring your life into balance.
Your Oola Coaching Program starts with a Confidential Coaching Questionnaire, designed to familiarize your private coach with your greatest opportunities and challenges—before the we ever meet by phone or online. Imagine being guided by someone who understands your situation thoroughly from the very first day of your Program. But don’t worry: there’s no “big reveal” or scary questions in there. Just a thoughtful look at your current life circumstances.

Then, every week you’ll receive a video-learning module via email so you can begin applying what you learn and be ready to check in with me, your personal Oola Coach. Each video lesson arrives with a printable PDF workbook to teach you more and give you suggested action steps for the week.

In-between the weekly modules, I will schedule 30-minute private coaching sessions to help you get results from the strategies you’ll be learning. Typically scheduled on the same day and time, you can always book these sessions to fit around your work life, home life, travel plans and other activities. During each coaching session, you’ll work on establishing new and important habits and behaviors to reinforce your success.  Not only that, but you’ll also work with me to plan those tasks needed to move forward on your goals. Plus, I will guide you, keep you on track, and help you get “unstuck” as you’re making important changes in your life.

I can help you:
  • Develop a plan to “reinvent” yourself, looking at the most important categories in your life—from your finances to your health to your career and more. 
  • Shift your focus from “busy-ness” to taking action. 
  • Build a support team of smart, reliable people who can advise and help you as you grow. 
  • Set goals that can be broken down into achievable steps, including setting one big, audacious goal that will uplevel and amplify the way you live, who you know, what you do with your day, and how you pursue your life purpose. 

It’s a well known fact that, of all the things successful people do to accelerate their path to success, working with a professional coach is at the top of the list. In fact, private coaching is so impactful that major companies are now assigning personal coaches to high-profile executives and up-and-coming “stars” they’ve identified for future leadership positions. But coaching is not just for business people today. Professional athletes, college students, retiring Baby Boomers, stay-at-home moms starting a side hustle—plus millions more people from all walks of life—are working with coaches to create the life they want.

Now you have the opportunity to join these top achievers by working with me, your own private Oola Coach. 
I will help you clarify your vision and goals, talk you through your fears, confront your unconscious behaviors and old patterns, expect you to do your best, help you live by your values, show you how to earn more while working less, and keep you focused on what will bring about the change you want. 

I will help you:
  • Determine specific action steps to help you achieve your goals
  • Help you sort through opportunities that arise from your forward momentum
  • Keep you focused on your top priorities while fitting in daily tasks
  • Achieve balance in your life while still accomplishing your lifestyle or career goals

Over 10 intensive weeks(or 3 weeks if you choose the Unstuck Program),  you could begin to work on achieving outcomes like these:
  • Eliminate the crushing weight of debt
  • Change careers and begin living your right livelihood
  • Resolve toxic family situations
  • Uplevel your circle of friends and enjoy quality time
  • Add fun to your life with “bucket list” adventures
  • Retire early and pursue an “encore” vocation you love
  • Get healthy, lose excess weight & focus on self-care
  • Start a charity or help causes you believe in
  • Create the income to stay at home with your kids
  • Grow spiritually and discover your faith walk again

All it takes to create amazing outcomes like these are two things: (1) the desire for change, and (2) the support of a professional coach dedicated to helping you make it happen. As your Oola Coach, I will be there—week after week—to keep you moving forward toward your goals, yet surprisingly, the cost of working through the Oola Coaching Program is less than you might imagine.

For less than a weekend getaway or a shopping spree at the local mall, you could be working privately with your own personal Coach during the Transform Oola Coaching Program. (The Unstuck Oola Quick-Start Program costs even less.)

To get started on your journey to the OolaLife, click here to schedule a free 30 minute Discovery Call with me or click on the coaching program below that suits you best. While the 3-Week Quick-Start Program will help with planning and making a start, most people choose the 10-week program to work on bigger life changes they know can only happen over time. Plus, importantly, the 10-week program steps you through a “deep dive” of all 7 F’s of Oola, helping you make changes in every area of life.


Get out of debt. Build wealth. Have fun. If only personal finances were that simple.

Would simplifying your finances and becoming debt-free change your life right now? You could invest for the future, have fun, and actually look forward to those major purchases you’ve been dreaming about.

Well, thanks to an awesome new coaching program from The OolaGuys, you don’t have to be 100% debt-free to live a great lifestyle, save for retirement, and have a rockin’ good time while you’re cleaning up the mess. I’ve talked about Oola before. In fact, I’ve long partnered with Dr. Dave Braun and Dr. Troy Amdahl, authors of Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World, to bring you their simple formula for calming the chaos and living a life you love.

Now, based on a proven strategy that Troy used to wipe out $755,000 worth of debt and retire by age 42, the OolaGuys and I are bringing you 
The Oola Green Gap Coaching Program – a three-week quick-start path designed to help you get out of debt, invest for your future, and have good times while you’re at it. No scorched-earth, no-fun-ever misery here. Just a few simple habits that will transform your life . . . and your

Are you ready to crush those stressful finances (which, by the way, will likely improve other areas of your life)? The Oola Green Gap Coaching Program is the answer, so register now so we can begin tackling your debts (and your future) this week. You’ll learn a lot . . . you’ll create a path to becoming debt-free . . . and you’ll discover how easy it is to create small wins, establish a growing investment account, and see major changes
month by month.
Let’s get started and work together to get you out of that financial stress!
Be grateful, Have Faith, and Go Get Your Oola Life!
MamaBear Michelle LeeAnn
Oola Coaching: Green Gap 
Green Gap
If you would like to grab a copy of “The OolaGuys” international bestselling books, click on the below photo(s).

Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World
Oola for WomenOola for Christians
Oola: Find Balance in an Unbalanced World

Oola for Women

Oola for Christians

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