Give Yourself Some Credit!

In 2008 my twin daughters were 18 months old and I stood in their room looking at both of them sleeping in their cribs and thinking about my marriage and the domestic violence occurring. I had a thought so clear and loud it was as if there was someone else in the room speaking to me. The thought was, "They will grow up thinking this is the way a man should treat a woman and they will find someone to treat them the exact same way when they are older." Tears started pouring down my face. Nope, not happening! I refuse to accept that for my daughters, I would rather show them a strong, independent, single parent than have that become their reality. 

How am I going to escape with 18-month-old daughters and 13-year-old Son? Where would I go? I can't support them on my own, I am a stay at home Mom, I don't even have an income. Within 24 hours I made a few phone calls, said a whole lot of prayers, located a shelter for women and children, figured out a plan of action, and we escaped! I was so scared with so many unknowns but I knew it had to be better than our current situation.

 After only 3 weeks of being in the shelter with their support, I found a place to rent, had a full-time job, daycare in place, and most importantly a safe home for my children and I. Nine months later we moved to a small town in a better neighborhood and life was good despite financial hardships.

If I never accomplished anything else, this would have been pretty amazing on its own…RIGHT?! Well, my story doesn’t end there and I share this memory a simple reminder to take a minute to appreciate all of your accomplishments in your own life. Even if nobody else in the whole world does, give yourself some credit! You are so worthy of every good thing and even if it feels like there is no way out, dig deep within yourself, and you will find a strength and courage you never knew existed. For me, my children have always been the driving force in my life and for them I push myself to my perceived limits of existence. I hope to inspire others as we navigate this journey of life together. 


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